Friday 6 March 2015

Liverpool pt2

So writing this far into the next day... Day 2 of Liverpool broke my body! We'll not really this day, but rather the day after day after day of Disneyland walking and too much coffee (oops!) and not enough sleep (see above) is what really did the breaking. I always say we can sleep when we're dead... and now I'm testing that... ;-)

One good thing about my return to coffee insomnia was that I was up early enough to have a chat with Wendy before she left for Vietnam... Woot!!

(Also I might have outlined my next book brilliantly... but I didn't remember it well in the morning...)

Thursday was Beatles day... bc of course! I'm not a big tour person, but sometimes they're useful and informative and entertaining. The bus tour around all places L'pool Beatles was like that... I'm glad I did it...and now I have the pics of Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane and all that for posterity. No Abbey Rd, of course... that's in London silly... I'm waiting for cooperative weather for that one... A Brit tourist made a comment to me that Paul was the best one... I thought Lady, I'm not touching that with a 10 ft pole. Tho I think Paul is my fave, actually.

The tour was long and ended at lunchtime... I decided I would *not* do hippie food just for a change. So I found a pub in a cute old renovated dock building... Sometimes a sandwich and fries and view of the dock canals is just the thing! And a cider with the lunch deal that tried to kill me... Had it been a while since I drank alcohol too? Had I lost my alcohol as well as caffeine tolerance? Either way, the Museum of London was a lot more interesting...and wobbly... and seemed like a lovely place to nap... (I didn't nap... I wasn't *that* out of it!)

Cute museum in a new building for once... C: I was there close to closing time. Saw an exhibit and short film on the Beatles (I know...surprising!) and the obligatory L'pool during the wars. I liked the Beatles stuff better.

But I was seriously running out of steam. I had promised myself to take this day easy. But then I read some of Redburn by Melville that is set in part in L'pool and in which he discusses his love of just wandering around the city. So I took an aimless and semi pointless walk in the morning before the tour... taking pictures and checking out the university....

And that was catching up with me...

And it was getting time to head home anyway... grabbed a dessert snack to maintain my health regime.... ;-) tried to read some school books to feed on the momentum of the sleep deprived ideas of the evening... Got a good way through the book too. And then got to the train station a little early like I always do.

And guess what?  I slept on the train... C:

Omg... last though... there is this town symbol creature statue called the Superlambanana. It's so weird and cute and all over town. I think they make an excellent edition to my cat photo collection...

Also I decided London: New York :: Liverpool: Chicago... C:

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