Friday 16 January 2015

Henry IV pt 2 comes first

So-- that's not the way it's supposed to go, I believe… but what's a girl to do? These were the tickets I got first. So I saw Henry IV pt 2 last night. It was fun… the seats weren't comfortable--but I was sitting next to a pretty cute guy. It more or less made up for it! ;)

Maybe I swing pt 1 tonight-- try out these day-of tickets they told me about at the box office… :)

Yesterday was, believe it or not, also work. I had to set my alarm and everything. Went to student orientation at CAPA--even though I'm clearly not a student. But it was encouraged that I make myself seen and introduce around to the students. And it's never a bad idea to take the casual suggestions when offered--at least in the beginning--in order to stay on people's good side. And all the people I've met at CAPA have been really nice. So that's a plus…

BUT--I cut out early. (There's only so much about student accommodation and if it's ok for them to drink alcohol I feel I need to hear.) I was GOING to do some proper work-- like read an article I'm supposed to review for a journal, submit a few abstracts to CFPs I've been meaning to, finish prepping for these classes whose meeting times I don't even know, and MAYBE start doing my own research finally-- BUT I dashed off to St. Paul's Cathedral instead. I decided to finally go to this "must see" item that I'd never visited before in my various trips to London. Probably not worth my oh-so limited money back when I was 22. But I have a little more money now-- so I went. It was quite a tour--and I'm glad I went. It's not the kind of place you have to re-visit, I think. But I also stayed through Evensong--an evening church service/concert thing that guide books recommend highly for several of the major cathedrals (Westminster Abbey, for example). It is always lovely to hear choir music… :)

And did I mention ALL THE STAIRS? (Not just from the Cathedral--where there were many--but the whole day for some reason-- I didn't do as much walking as I've done on other days, but it seems as though almost all my walking was stairs!)

And then to Henry IV…
All in all a LONG DAY!
And today I meant to hit the farmers market. (Got there, nothing… oops--it's Saturdays!) And now I'm getting ready to go over to my food studies forum seminar finally. I hope it's a good arrangement and that I can learn something from this class!
And then, maybe, Henry IV… again! ;)

Till next time… :)

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