Saturday 10 January 2015

I want to go to Brighton!

Oh yeah, I thought about Lydia from the BBC Pride and Prejudice saying that all day today!! And I get it--Brighton was a blast! I loved the sea--even if it was the windiest day ever and I actually had to brace myself early during the day against the wind-- And I'm not delicate by any means! This was some intense wind!!

But it still smelled like the sea-- and the ocean is never boring or dull. Watching the waves break way over the walkways was pretty fun, actually. I stood well back! And I tried to take some fun shots on my proper camera-- now I get to see how those turned out.

Not a good day for dolphin watching, clearly. I dunno if dolphins frequent the area--but man they were avoiding if for sure today!!

The pier was cute-- a lot like the SC Boardwalk or a slightly smaller Niagara Falls (possibly the NY/NJ area versions of these things--but I have no experience there!). I just enjoyed the tackiness and the lights. And I didn't ride the rides. They weren't operating, actually, because of the gustiness…

THEN, I had to select from half a dozen (at least) vegetarian restaurants for lunch AND dinner! I got to check another box: vegan fish and chips!! Dinner was a lovely tofu pocket wrap and tahini dipping sauces with pita--tapas style. Yum!! Then a seasonal lager-- and I'm working on knowing just a little something about beer. (MAN, I do not, but then I pretend like I do and just have to drink whatever they pour me!)

There were also all these little winding streets with brightly painted shops in them, called The Lanes. Such a fun shopping area! Even I bought something! (A book, natch!) There was an oddly varied but free and kinda funny Brighton museum AND a not-free but oddly fascinating Palace tour…

All in all, a busy day for my first day trip out of London! I appreciate any other coastal town suggestions. I definitely have to see the sea at least monthly while I'm here--I've decided!! :)

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